Making Trance (1 hour 45mins Studio Session Recording)
Hi everyone here is a recording of me making some Trance music in the studio the other weekend! No voice-over like the tutorials at AM Studios, this was just a sneak peek at my studio session I had jamming away. (Read below for more info on the session)
No real intention of making any specific style of Trance music either, just getting creative and experimenting at this stage hence why no real EQ, Levelling or processing etc. I was keeping that out the way for another time. As you will see I work on the Kick & Bass, Percussion, Pads, Intro Plucks, Acids, etc and certain things get deleted or reworked etc. but all part of the production process!
I am using logic Pro but the techniques can be transposed to any DAW of your choice. Just experiment with your different reverbs etc. Anyway I hope you may learn something from it and if you are looking for in-depth tutorials on how to make Trance music where I explain everything I am doing in-depth then be sure to check the production courses out at
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