Classic Trance Kick & Bass Tutorial [Audio Preview including different combinations of the basses created with basic effects]
⬤ Want to learn how to create a Classic Trance style Kick & Bass within your DAW?
⬤ Love the older Trance Sound but find your tracks always sounding more modern?
⬤ Want to see how to create a thick classic Trance style bass from scratch?
⬤ Not sure what type of kicks to use for the classic sound?
⬤ Want to know how to create groves from a simple pattern?
⬤ Overcomplicating the kick and bass process?
Ever wanted to create a more Classic sounding Trance Track?
Welcome to the first episode of the “How To Make A Classic Trance Track” series where I will be creating a track in the style of a Classic Trance track without the use of hardware!
In this episode, ill be making the Kick & Bass for the track from scratch! You will see exactly what type of kicks can be used for a more classic Trance sound as well as which ones may not be best. (This part can instantly make a track sound more modern if using certain style kicks!)
I’ll also be showing you how to create a thick bass sound from scratch using only stock plugins, and ill also be showing you how you can change the bass up for different tastes and styles that may suit you and the groove you want to achieve.
The tutorial has nothing pre-planned so you get to see the full process from the ground up, along with all the mixing decisions and creative decisions!
See below for a full description of what is covered.
⬤ Kick selection and the characteristics of a kick to be looking for.
⬤ EQing your kick & learning when it’s needed.
⬤ Creating your basses from scratch.
⬤ Creating bass grooves with your MIDI.
⬤ Bass splitting for more control.
⬤ Adding atmosphere to your bass.
⬤ Ducking techniques for that older sound.
⬤ Using filter mapping for different desired effects.
⬤ Mixing, EQ, Levelling, Effects, Saturation, Stereo Field Positioning.
⬤ Using velocity mapping.
⬤ My full thought process behind everything I’m doing and why.
+ Much more!
Allan Morrow – International Trance DJ/Producer. Tracks signed to labels such as Armada, Blackhole Recordings, Discover Records, FSOE, Kearnage Recordings, Mental Asylum Records, Pure Trance, Outburst Records & Many more!
Yes. Please don’t restrict yourself from the knowledge inside this tutorial due to having another DAW. All the techniques you will learn in these videos can be implemented into your own DAW.
***Please note – You can use any synth/plugins or DAW of your choice to follow along with this tutorial.
Classic Trance - Kick & Bass Tutorial (001)
Classic Trance - Kick & Bass Tutorial (001)
The usual quality from Allan. Although not in Ableton, i took so much away from what was being explained it didnt matter too much. Great content and worth the price as always.
Great tutorial on the more classic-style sound. Enjoyed following along this one.
So now we 2 Classic Kick & Bass tutorials on the website to choose from, owning the 1st I have that difficult question to ask myself, is it worth owning 2 or I am I just buying to feed an odd addiction to these tutorials? Listening to audio sample provided I could hear a number of fundamental differences to the overall sound so I decided to take the plunge and part with some cash. Turns out this was once again a great decision. I am loving the use of the 909 drum rack in this series. The element of design and sound shaping on older audio hits is very refreshingly new to me. I have always stuck with sample packs up until now. Then we have the midbass sound design, minimal layers for full impact, stripped back but effective style from back in the day which also includes some important lessons from the AM Studios cave around difficult producers choices. Overall a great video, plenty of knowledge with depth and weight behind each process. Hats off to AM Studios for once again delivering a quality and value for money tutorial.